- includes Kidathon registrations, CLICK ON Participants
Downtown Portland
East Vancouver
Clackamas Town Center
Rock Creek
Bridgeport Village
November 23, 2017
You may find some helpful things at this site:
Managed by Uberthons
Rock Creek Country Club
Janna and Cora:
Volunteers needed - You have your volunteers. Keep the missionaries busy. All volunteers should wear a Sant or elf hat. You have 12 flags and 12 vests. These are for people on the course. Volunteers are great! If your volunteers are with an organization, and if they are paid volunteers, we will write one check to the organization a day or two after the event. Get us the name of the organization and the mailing address. Volunteers should be at the venue at 6:00 AM to help, and on the course by no later than 8:00 AM ready to go. The locations are not far from the START line. If they can walk to their locations, that is best. The furthest away could take a cart. We will have 2 carts for volunteers. When the last runner/walker has passed the volunteer, the volunteer can pick up cones, flags, posts, water table, cups, water, etc., and bring it to the START line. All volunteers need to sign a volunteer sheet. Print them, and give them to them. Volunteers cannot go on the course unless they have signed the document. Keep the signed forms - give them to Darwin sometime.
Volunteers missionaries - Keep the missionaries busy. They are there to help. A note about the missionaries - they have come to Portland for a two-year period. They come from all over. Some may have come from a foreign country. They are not paid. In fact, they pay their own expenses for two years. Usually, they save the amount of money they need for the two-year period starting when they are little kids. Sometimes their families have helped save money for the time they are missionaries. In the Portland area, there are probably 100 or more missionaries. The missionaries are also helping at the Downtown Portland, Bridgeport, Clackamas Town Center locations. Maybe they are helping at the Vancouver location. The reason they are helping is all the missionaries volunteer at least once each week for at least four hours as part of their two-year assignment. They are experienced in helping/serving. Talk with them - find out which state they live in.
Food - Janna will purchase Costco muffins. Let's say half a muffin per person. We usually have a lot of muffins left over at that. Janna, will you purchase 10 pumpkin pies to give away as prizes by the MC. Janna or Cora pick up food at Costco 11/21, and keep cool. The pies are fun. Dayna can walk around and make up reasons for someone to win a pie. Start doing this at about 8:10 AM when a lot of people will be there. When Dayna decides who a winner is, she announces the winner, and the reason they won a pie. She, then, writes the bib number of the person on the pie with a marker. The winner can get the pie after the race. Put the pies on tables where the muffins are.
Photographer - Janna or Cora ask someone to take photos of the participants in front of the Photo op banner. Deliver camera card to Darwin, Randy, or Alan on Thanksgiving afternoon. Set camera for 3.2 megapixels or higher for each photo. Also, Smart phones take great photos. They automatically adjust to the lighting. Get lots of photos with the Turkeython arch in the photo. We will put the photos on Smugmug and on Facebook Thursday afternoon. Get the photos somehow to Darwin asap after the event. We plan to make a video for Facebook on Thanksgiving. The photos will be used in the video, so we need the photos sent to Darwin asap. We will email all participants to tell them about the video.
Kids race - Janna or Cora choose someone to head up the kids race. Probably on site. Make the course so kids can be seen at all times. Ask parents to help by standing all along the course. Choose someone to hand out the ribbons. Parents may have purchased medals, and will give them to the kids whenever they want to. Parents may purchase kids dinner-table medals, or if available, last years medals, or this year's medals if there are extra medals. In any case, the medals are $10. Choose someone responsible to handle the money. Give the money to D, A, or R.
Finish line camera - Janna or Cora try to find a camera that can take a video of the start and finish. Save camera card. This is for timing purposes. This tells us who is at the event, and when they start or finish if the regular timing system gets messed up. Alan will be at a master-control location in Tigard watching all the results as they come in, and will have phone access to the timers.
Electrical - Darwin will bring a compressor. Use for the inflatable turkey, timing computer, and PA system.
Packet Pick Up location and registration info - Hawthorn Sports Club. Darwin will deliver the bibs and a list on Tuesday before Noon to Janna. Online registrations will be turned off Tuesday morning. People who want to register, may at the Bib Pick Up, or the morning of the event unless we post on the Rock Creek website that the event is full. Dana, who works at Hawthorn has formed a team of Turkeythoners comprised of 26 runners. Wow!
Tables needed - 2 for the timers. 1 for water table on the course. 1 for water cups at the finish line. 1 for medals. Angie is brining 6 tables.
Awards - Darwin will deliver the medals, overall medals, and age-group pins to the Club on Wednesday - inside the registration room. Each 5k person wearing a bib gets a medal. Dayna should know how to get the awards on her smart phone. When the first three men have finished, take a photo of them together, and give them the overall medals at that time. When the first three women have finished, take a photo of them together, and give them the overall medals at that time. Have someone tell the first three finishers Male and Female that when all three come in, we want to take photos and hand out overall awards.
Talking points - Darwin will give you talking points for Dayna. She should be on the mic, the entire 40 minutes before the race, and for about an hour after the first finisher. Solid talking. The talking points will help with content. She can use the information over and over again.
PA system - Dayna will be in the timer tent to read the names of the finishers. Read the first and last name - always! No exceptions. If you notice she is reading only the first names, tell her to read both names, first and last.
Overall medals go to the following:
1st, 2nd, 3rd Male and Female
1st, 2nd, 3rd Male and Female 45+
1st, 2nd, 3rd Male and Female 65+
Dayna will see exactly who these people are when she clicks the AWARDS button on the event results page. You have 9 of each color.
Age-group pins go to the following:
1st, 2nd, 3rd in each age group as posted on the AWARDS button on the event results page. You have 26 if each color.
There is a chance that someone will tell you they forgot to get pin at a previous event. We don't have enough pins to do this, so if they want to wait until the end of the event, and if pins are left over, you may give them a pin.
PA system - 1. Darwin will deliver this on Thursday morning at 6:00 AM. Dave has the music thumb drive. Start the music at 7:50 AM. Not so loud that the neighbors would complain. Then, turn it up at the start of the race. Turn it down after the start. Turn it up when people start finishing. Two microphones. One for Danya, and one for someone else.
Cones - Darwin will bring a few cones on Wednesday. Dave and Darwin will set the cones. Have the volunteers bring them to the start line - better yet, have them bring the cones to Darwin's truck.
Directional signs - Mile marker signs will be place on the course. Darwin and Dave will set them. Have the volunteers pick up the signs.
Flags - 10 Turkeython flags with bases. Darwin will deliver these on Thanksgiving morning at 6:00 AM. Set all of them on the side of the arch that people will stand as they wait to start. Then, six flags and put them on the other side before they finish. This makes better photos.
Inflatable turkey - Darwin will deliver this Thursday morning.
Tents - Darwin will deliver a white tent on Wednesday. Let's put it together then. A yellow tent will be delivered Thursday for the timer.
Restrooms - Darwin will bring restroom signs.
Kids ribbons - Darwin will deliver ribbons to the site on Wednesday. Each kid gets a ribbon no matter what.
Jackets - race directors will get jackets - probably on Tuesday. Wear them so people can see you are in charge.
Timer - Alan will have the timer trained. Timer will bring equipment, and set it up, and take it down.
Fast On Flat shirts - Darwin will bring these on Wednesday. Look at them. We want MC to give out a few shirts while talking about the Fast On Flat event. This is an advertisement.
Clackamas Town Center
Jennifer and Judie:
Volunteers needed - 19 on course, 3 at START FINISH line. You have your volunteers. Keep the missionaries busy. All volunteers should wear a Sant or elf hat. You have 19 flags and 35 vests. These are for people on the course. Volunteers are great! If your volunteers are with an organization, and if they are paid volunteers, we will write one check to the organization a day or two after the event. Get us the name of the organization and the mailing address. Volunteers should be at the venue at 6:00 AM to help, and on the course by no later than 8:00 AM ready to go. The locations are not far from the START line. If they can walk to their locations, that is best. When the last runner/walker has passed the volunteer, the volunteer can pick up cones, flags, posts, water table, cups, water, etc., and bring it all to the START line. All volunteers need to sign a volunteer sheet. Print them, and give them to them. Volunteers cannot go on the course unless they have signed the document. Keep the signed forms - give them to Darwin sometime.
Volunteers missionaries - Keep the missionaries busy. They are there to help. A note about the missionaries - they have come to Portland for a two-year period. They come from all over. Some may have come from a foreign country. They are not paid. In fact, they pay their own expenses for two years. Usually, they save the amount of money they need for the two-year period starting when they are little kids. Sometimes their families have helped save money for the time they are missionaries. In the Portland area, there are probably 100 or more missionaries. The missionaries are also helping at the Downtown Portland, Bridgeport, Clackamas Town Center locations. Maybe they are helping at the Vancouver location. The reason they are helping is all the missionaries volunteer at least once each week for at least four hours as part of their two-year assignment. They are experienced in helping/serving. Talk with them - find out which state they live in.
Food - Judie or Jennifer will purchase Costco muffins. Let's say half a muffin per person. We usually have a lot of muffins left over at that. Will you purchase 10 pumpkin pies to give away as prizes by the MC. Keep cool. The pies are fun. MC can walk around and make up reasons for someone to win a pie. Start doing this at about 8:10 AM when a lot of people will be there. When MC decides who a winner is, announce the winner, and the reason they won a pie. MC, then, writes the bib number of the person on the pie with a marker. The winner can get the pie after the race. Put the pies on tables where the muffins are, or on a separate table so runners can see the pies.
Big Red Tent - Jennifer, can you pick up the tent and take it back? They are very serious about picking it up when they say, or, they may not be at their warehouse.
Tables needed - 2 for the timers. 1 for water table on the course. 1 for water cups at the finish line. 1 for medals. I cannot remember what we talked about. Do you have tables, or does Darwin need to bring some tables?
Photographer - ask someone to take photos of the participants in front of the arch. Deliver camera card to Darwin, Randy, or Alan on Thanksgiving afternoon. Set camera for 3.2 megapixels or higher for each photo. Also, Smart phones take great photos. They automatically adjust to the lighting. Get lots of photos with the Turkeython arch in the photo. We will put the photos on Smugmug and on Facebook Thursday afternoon. Get the photos somehow to Darwin asap after the event. Photos can be emailed. We plan to make a video for Facebook on Thanksgiving. The photos will be used in the video, so we need the photos sent to Darwin asap. We will email all participants to tell them about the video.
Kids race - Choose someone to head up the kids race. Make the course so kids can be seen at all times. Ask parents to help by standing all along the course. Choose someone to hand out the ribbons. Parents may have purchased medals, and will give them to the kids whenever they want to. Parents may purchase kids dinner-table medals, or if available, last years medals, or this year's medals if there are extra medals. In any case, the medals are $10. Choose someone responsible to handle the money. Give the money to D, A, or R.
Finish line camera - Darwin will bring a GoPro camera that can take a video of the start and finish. This is for timing purposes. This tells us who is at the event, and when they start or finish if the regular timing system gets messed up. Alan will be at a master-control location in Tigard watching all the results as they come in, and will have phone access to the timers. I think Gregg will know how to work the camera. Do either of you know how to work a GoPro?
Electrical - Darwin will bring a compressor. Use for the inflatable turkey, timing computer, and PA system. The are electrical plugs near the start line. Use them if they work.
Cones - Darwin will set out the cones on the course at 3:00 AM. He will place 19 large cones on the course with numbers on them. The large cones are where volunteers will stand. Each cone will have a number on them that tells the volunteer location as per the volunteer/course sheet I sent to you. Once all the runners have gone around the course twice, have the volunteers pick up all the cones, and bring them to the Finish line. Also, Darwin will bring lots of little cones. These cones should be spread between the big cones to form a course. If these cones are set right, the course will be well marked.
Packet Pick Up location - REI. Darwin will deliver the bibs and a list on Tuesday before Noon to you. Online registrations will be turned off Tuesday morning. People who want to register, may at the Bib Pick Up, or the morning of the event unless we post on the Clackamas website that the event is full.
Awards - Darwin will deliver the medals, overall medals, and age-group pins to the mall on Thursday. Each 5k person wearing a bib gets a medal. MC should know how to get the awards on smart phone. When the first three men have finished, take a photo of them together, and give them the overall medals at that time. When the first three women have finished, take a photo of them together, and give them the overall medals at that time. Have someone tell the first three finishers Male and Female that when all three come in, we want to take photos and hand out overall awards. Do this before these people go home.
Talking points - Darwin will give you talking points for MC. MC should be on the mic, the entire 40 minutes before the race, and for about an hour after the first finisher. Solid talking. The talking points will help with content. MC can use the information over and over again.
PA system - MC will be in the timer tent to read the names of the finishers. Read the first and last name - always! No exceptions. If you notice she is reading only the first names, tell MC to read both names, first and last.
Overall medals go to the following:
1st, 2nd, 3rd Male and Female
1st, 2nd, 3rd Male and Female 45+
1st, 2nd, 3rd Male and Female 65+
MC will see exactly who these people are when she clicks the AWARDS button on the event results page. You have 9 of each color.
Age-group pins go to the following:
1st, 2nd, 3rd in each age group as posted on the AWARDS button on the event results page. You have 26 if each color.
There is a chance that someone will tell you they forgot to get pin at a previous event. We don't have enough pins to do this, so if they want to wait until the end of the event, and if pins are left over, you may give them a pin.
Darwin, Randy, Alan:
PA system - 1. Darwin will deliver this on Thursday morning at 5:00 AM. Darwin will bring a thumbdrive with Christmas music on it. Start the music at 7:50 AM. Keep it turned up when the runners are there, unless the mall music is plenty loud. Two microphones. One for MC, and one for someone else.
Directional signs - Mile marker signs will be placed on the course. Darwin will set them. Have the volunteers pick up the signs.
Flags - 10 Turkeython flags with bases. Darwin will deliver these on Thanksgiving morning at 5:00 AM. Set all of them on the side of the arch that people will stand as they wait to start. Then, six flags and put them on the other side before they finish. This makes better photos.
Inflatable turkey - Darwin will deliver this Thursday morning.
Tents - A yellow tent will be delivered Thursday for the timer.
Restrooms - Darwin will bring restroom signs.
Kids ribbons - Darwin will deliver ribbons to the site on Tuesday. Each kid gets a ribbon no matter what.
Jackets - race directors will get jackets - probably on Tuesday. Wear them so people can see you are in charge.
Timer - Alan will have the timer trained. Timer will bring equipment, and set it up, and take it down.
Shirts - Darwin will bring shirts for those who have purchased them - Tuesday.
Chips and bibs - Darwin will bring these on Tuesday.
Fast On Flat shirts - Darwin will bring these on Tuesday. Look at them. We want MC to give out a few shirts while talking about the Fast On Flat event. This is an advertisement.
Darwin's schedule - Will be onsite from 2:00 AM - 5:00 AM. He needs to leave to go to Hillsboro at 5:00 AM. Judie, did you say you have a truck? If so, can you load everything in the truck, and take it away? I could get it Friday or Saturday.
Volunteers needed - 17 on course, 10 at START FINISH line. Train them about 7 days before the event to do what you want them to do.
Food - Costco muffins. 10 pies to give away as prizes by the MC. Pick up food at Costco 11/21, and keep cool.
Photographer - ask someone to take photos of the participants in front of the Photo op banner. Deliver camera card to Darwin, Randy, or Alan on Thanksgiving afternoon. Set camera for 3.2 megapixels or higher for each photo.
Kids race - choose someone to head up the kids race. Probably on site. Make the course so kids can be seen at all times. Ask parents to help by standing all along the course. Choose someone to hand out the ribbons. Parents may have purchased medals, and will give them to the kids whenever they want to. Parents may purchase kids medals, last years medals, or this year's medals if there are extra medals. In any case, the medals are $10. Choose someone responsible to handle the money. Give the money to D, A, or R.
Finish line camera - try to find a camera that can take a video of the start and finish. Save camera card.
Electrical - is electricity available?
Cones - get someone to set out the cones on the course. Keep the race safe - using cones will help.
Tables needed - 1 for the timers. 4 for food and paperwork.
Tent (s) - One tent is for timers. One tent is for race directors. One is for food and medals.
Porta Potties - Do you need porta potties?
Packet Pick Up location - Health Revolution Chiropractic
Darwin, Randy, Alan:
PA system - Darwin give Julie a megaphone.
Directional signs - 15. Darwin will deliver signs. A volunteer should be trained to place them on the course.
Flags - 10 Turkeython flags with bases. Darwin will deliver these a week before the event.
Photo op banner - Darwin will deliver this a week before the event.
Medals - Darwin will deliver medals a week before the event.
Kids ribbons - Darwin will deliver ribbons a week before the event.
Jackets - race directors will get jackets from Randy way before the event.
Timer - Alan will have the timer trained. Timer will bring equipment, and set it up, and take it down. Someone can sit in the timer tent to read the names of the finishers. Read the first and last name - always!
Generator - needed?
Bridgeport Village
Heidi and Jenn:
Volunteers needed - 30 on course, 10 at START FINISH line. Train them about 7 days before the event to do what you want them to do. If missionaries come to volunteer, quickly ask them to do something, and keep them busy.
Food - Costco muffins. 10 pies to give away as prizes by the MC. Heidi or Jenn pick up food at Costco 11/21, and keep cool.
Photographer - Heidi or Jenn ask someone to take photos of the participants in front of the Photo op banner. Deliver camera card to Darwin, Randy, or Alan on Thanksgiving afternoon. Set camera for 3.2 megapixels or higher for each photo.
Kids race - Heidi or Jenn choose someone to head up the kids race. On site, a down and back on the main road that is already closed. Make the course so kids can be seen at all times. Ask parents to help by standing all along the course. Choose someone to hand out the ribbons. Parents may have purchased medals, and will give them to the kids whenever they want to. Parents may purchase kids medals, last years medals, or this year's medals if there are extra medals. In any case, the medals are $10. Choose someone responsible to handle the money. Give the money to D, A, or R.
Finish line camera - Heidi or Jenn try to find a camera that can take a video of the start and finish. Save camera card. Jose, the timer said he will bring his Go Pro.
Darwin, Randy, Alan:
Tables needed - 2 for the timers, 2 for the medals, 10 for packet pickup inside the retail store. Alan will bring them to the site on 11/20 to the retail store. Bridgeport will have the tables needed inside the retail store.
PA system - 1. Alan will deliver this on 11/20 to the retail store.
Cones - NW Traffic Control will set up cones at 6:30 AM - 7:30 AM, and will take cones down.
Directional signs - 25. Alan will deliver signs to site on 11/20. A volunteer should be trained to place them on the course.
Flags - 10 Turkeython flags with bases. Alan will deliver these to the retail store on 11/20.
Photo op banner - Alan will deliver this to the retail store on 11/20.
Inflatable turkey - Alan will deliver this to the retail store on 11/20.
Tent (s) - Alan will deliver on 11/20. We can use the large white tents for timing and one for participants if it is raining.
Porta Potties - will be delivered by United Wednesday afternoon. Heidi or Jenn arrange for someone to meet the truck, and tell them where to put the units. Put them in same place as last year on road in front of PF Changs (not finish line road).
Medals - Alan will deliver this to the retail store on 11/20.
Kids ribbons - Alan will deliver this to the retail store on 11/20.
Timer - Alan will have the timer trained, JOSE. Timer will bring equipment, and set it up, and take it down. Someone can sit in the timer tent to read the names of the finishers. Read the first and last name - always!
Generator - Alan will deliver a generator for the timing equipment to the timer a day or two before the event.
Volunteers needed - 20 on course, 10 at START FINISH line. Train them about 7 days before the event to do what you want them to do.
Food - Costco muffins. 10 pies to give away as prizes by the MC. Margo or assigned person pick up food at Costco 11/21, and keep cool.
Photographer - Margo ask someone to take photos of the participants in front of the Photo op banner, in other ideal locations. Deliver camera card to Darwin, Randy, or Alan on Thanksgiving afternoon. Set camera for 3.2 megapixels or higher for each photo.
Kids race - Margo choose someone to head up the kids race. On site, an out and back on the main sidewalk just like last year. Make sure the kids can be seen at all times. Ask parents to help by standing all along the course. Choose someone to hand out the ribbons. Parents may have purchased medals, and will give them to the kids whenever they want to. Parents may purchase kids medals, last years medals, or this year's medals if there are extra medals. In any case, the medals are $10. Choose someone responsible to handle the money. Give the money to D, A, or R.
Finish line camera - Margo try to find a camera to take a video of the start and finish. Save camera card.
Packet Pick Up location - RRS Portland
Darwin, Randy, Alan:
Tables needed - 1 for registration, 1 for the medals, 2 for food. Randy will meet you on 11/20 to give you the equipment.
PA system - 1. Randy will meet you on 11/20.
Cones - NW Traffic Control will set up cones at 6:30 AM at Morrison Bridge and will take cones down.
Directional signs - 15. Randy will deliver signs to site on 11/20. A volunteer should be trained to place them on the course.
Flags - 10 Turkeython flags with bases. Randy will deliver these on 11/20.
Photo op banner - Randy will deliver this on 11/20.
Inflatable turkey - Randy will deliver this on 11/20.
Tent (s) - Randy will deliver on 11/20.
Porta Potties - will be delivered by United early Thursday morning. Put them in same place as last year.
Medals - Randy will deliver this to the retail store on 11/20.
Kids ribbons - Randy will deliver these on 11/20.
Generator - Randy will deliver a generator a day or two before the event.
Charlotte and Dee:
Volunteers needed - 19 on course, 10 at START FINISH line. Train them about 7 days before the event to do what you want them to do.
Food - Costco muffins. 10 pies to give away as prizes by the MC. Dee or Charlotte pick up food at Costco 11/21, and keep cool.
Photographer - Charlotte or Dee ask someone to take photos of the participants in front of the Photo op banner. Deliver camera card to Darwin, Randy, or Alan on Thanksgiving afternoon. Set camera for 3.2 megapixels or higher for each photo.
Kids race - Dee or Charlotte choose someone to head up the kids race. On site, choose a course in the closed off parking lot area. Make sure the kids can be seen at all times. Ask parents to help by standing all along the course. Choose someone to hand out the ribbons. Parents may have purchased medals, and will give them to the kids whenever they want to. Parents may purchase kids medals, last years medals, or this year's medals if there are extra medals. In any case, the medals are $10. Choose someone responsible to handle the money. Give the money to D, A, or R.
Finish line camera - Charlotte or Dee try to find a camera to take a video of the start and finish. Save camera card.
Packet Pick Up location - Big Al's Vancouver
Darwin, Randy, Alan:
Tables needed - 2, for the timers,1 for registration, 1 for the medals, 2 for food. Randy will bring equipment to site.
PA system - 1. Randy will bring.
Cones - Randy will bring. Cones should be placed to secure Start/Finish area from vehicle traffic.
Directional signs - 15. Randy will bring signs. A volunteer should be trained to place them on the course.
Flags - 10 Turkeython flags with bases. Randy will bring.
Photo op banner - Randy will bring.
Inflatable turkey - Randy will bring.
Tent (s) - Randy will will bring.
Porta Potties - will be delivered by United Wednesday afternoon. Dee or Charlotte arrange for someone to meet the truck, and tell them where to put the units. Put them in a place that will not be close to Finish line, and in a place where they will not be in photos.
Medals - Randy will bring.
Kids ribbons - Randy will bring.
Jackets - race directors will get jackets from Randy way before the event.
Timer - Alan will have the timer trained. Timer will bring equipment, and set it up, and take it down. Someone can sit in the timer tent to read the names of the finishers. Read the first and last name - always!
Generator - Randy will bring.